Podcast Episodes
Solid Cat: Vegan Cheetah
The world needs a distraction, and Solid Cat is here to provide it. Who are the Hairy Bikers? In Ni Hao, Kai-lan speaking Mandarin or Cantonese? (it's Mandarin) There is a world record wolf howl. Money is literally coming out of someone's wassou. Killer sex robots! McDonald's introduces the McVegan. What are slime eels? And it's food, food, and more food. We had our first Shake Shack experience. We cruise by the International Spy Museum. We enjoy some dining in Old Town Alexandra. The ending of Descendants 2 was tragically anti-climatic. Did Rogue One rip off Spaceballs? I thought we were talking about food? In the Space Cowboy Kitchen, we review Oreo Tempura, and it breaks our rating scale. We finish with a Paws Up to Gordon Ramsey for something truly awesome. Come saddle up to the comedy buffet that is... Solid Cat!
Solid Cat: Pat's vs. Geno's
Summer vacation is over and Solid Cat is back to tell you what we did on ours. Stand back, this is actually the first half of a two part episode. First, D-mo is now and old man. In the News, we discuss a real life version of the Pina Colada song. For those that were wondering, yes, D-mo passed the stone. Wait... coyotes? Vermont is very beautiful and very green. The Musuem of the Creative Process creeped us out to no end, and we didn't even go in it. On our culinary tour of the eastern United States, we enjoyed cheesecake from the Nuns of New Skete, delicious cuisine at the City Tavern in Philly, and an absolutely delightful Italian place called Joe Benny's in Baltimore (go there; trust us). There were some questionable "Jersey-style" Whoppers at a Burger King. But we finally settle the debate on Philly's best cheesesteak... Pat's or Geno's (or do we?). There was also, what Val called, the "Taj Mahal of bathrooms." And we wrap with a wonderful Paws Up highlighting the spirit of second chances. We packed some much, we had to split up our tale, so enjoy Part 1, today, of Solid Cat.
Solid Cat: Banana Diarama
This week's episode of Solid Cat is powered by you, the fans. The proud citizens of Solid Cat City. What's on tap? One last covfefe jab. Macaroon, macaron, and Macron are three different things. Cheese rolling and shin kicking in England. Luring bathers to Japanese bathhouses, and "chizza" in China? Some guy found a vibrating fidget spinner (it's not a fidget spinner). Sexytime discusses 3-ways with the Spice Girls. Kangaroos have multiple vaginas and bifurcated dicks. TMI. D-mo tries to save the derailing show by talking about naked otters and they are not what you think. The Danger Diva returns to the show to deliver the Solid Cat General Apology. We have an honest-to-goodness recipe back in the Space Cowboy Kitchen. There's that empanada place at the Original L.A. Farmers' Market. Wenger In or Wenger Out? Paws Up to Wonder Woman. Camouflage works... especially in Chick-fil-A. And we finish strong with the International Banana Musuem. Pull up a chair, and grab a beverage, for this is Solid Cat!
Solid Cat: Spring Break
From the NEEEW Solid Cat Studios, it's the Slumber Party of Podcasts! D-mo is being creative again, so stand back. Strep throat blows. The phrase we were looking for is "last resort." FINALLY, let's talk about My Little Pony. Apparently, people really love Adele and Disney soundtracks. What's the deal with Bob the Builder. Grabher, Lorne Grabher, is full of Canadian rage. Who's cropdusting? Overbooking is common and rampant, stop acting surprised. The joys and rules of vacation rentals. Val doesn't seem so like New York City. Paws Up to Estonia and teddy bears. And we might start our own fake university and fake internship program so people can get "real" work experience so they can get jobs. We're shady... we're Solid Cat!
Solid Cat: Creepy AF
We're joined by a new special guest, Monica, on this week's episode of Solid Cat. Are 976 numbers still around? Webcam girls are kinda ridiculous. We briefly talk about the new Beauty and the Beast movie, and we're disappointed with the lack of promised gay sex. "Are you telling me that Emma Thompson, in general, isn't as good as Angela Lansbury?!" Once again, no news segment, but some people are looking like Disney characters. D-mo tells the Ballad of Cletus and Scooter. Val tells the story of the Haunted Woods of Friendship Hill. Then things really get creepy af with both Val and Monica's experiences with the supernatural. No one ever suspects the guy with the dog in a sweater. Paws up to the world's fastest camera. Then we talk about hamburgers because that's where the show went. "Of all the body parts you can throw at people, I think ears are the weirdest." Not surprisingly, there was lots of laughter on this week's Solid Cat.
Solid Cat: Dawn of Justice
We're doing something different on this week's Solid Cat. The majority of the show will be taken by two things: La La Land, and Batman v. Superman - Dawn of Justice. We liked one, and we didn't like the other, but it's probably not what you think (spoilers: La La Land is overrated, and Batman v. Superman was actually enjoyable). We do highlight the Oscars snafu and we feel sorry for the guy that's getting fired. D-mo also feels bad for Viggo Mortensen. Captain America - Civil War was better than both movies we talk about, but we don't think either Cap or Iron Man's mom is named Martha. Paws up to Tinder for having a match in Antarctica. Some episodes are classics. This one... maybe not. Be hip, though, and buy a Solid Cat shirt.
Solid Cat: InuYasha Spoilers
Solid Cat is here to kick off the Lunar New Year with a fresh show of all that you love. First, thank you to all the fans who have downloaded the show; you have set some records lately and we humbly thank you for it. We still haven't seen Superman vs. Batman; will it be like Twilight? We coin a new word: craptivating, it's crap and captivating at the same time. Val keeps forgetting she doesn't speak Japanese. We have some InuYasha spoilers (we named this episode after a 30 second bit of dialogue). We vacationed in Pennsylvania in a little place that's called Ohiopyle and it's glorious. Will Val's mom start listening to the show? Praise be to JetBlue. Liquor laws are weird in other places. Not to bury the lead, but D-mo has been ordained! Hello, Pastor D-mo. We answer a slew of listener questions From the Dojo. In the Sexytime segment, we discuss the positives of open sexual communication with your partner. Remember, some people pay extra for that, so charge accordingly. Hansen's Natural Soda gets reviewed in the Space Cowboy Kitchen. D-mo went to the NHL All-Star game and has some choice words for the Columbus Blue Jackets mascot. Val's Lunar New Year dinner was such a hot ticket, people were disappointed they didn't get an invite. Maybe we should have a contest where you enter to win a dinner with Val. Paws Up for soap in Cambodia. Sometimes we're dirty, sometimes we're clean, but we're always Solid!
Solid Cat: Season Five Premiere
It's a brave new world as Solid Cat opens up Season 5! In addition to a new season, we're getting a new Lunar New Year; the year of the Fire Chicken to be specific. Also new: rain in Los Angeles, which means an increase in swift water rescues. Val is adventurous, but only when something comes recommended. In a series of classic Solid Cat segues, talk about Chinese food goes to Brazilian BBQ goes to Kansas City goes to the rumor that Maryland is filled with very unattractive people (if you live in Maryland, send pics and prove us wrong). We parent by reverse psychology. Killer flying bears are not as uncommon as you'd expect, apparently. A fresh Dolores Umbridge reference. We talk a little Trump-ish. What are bacon mushrooms? Of course, the white elephant in the room is that D-mo's father passed away during the break. But ending on a high note, we're like Burns and Allen, and more importantly, you always have friends here with D-mo and Val. In this new era, friendship and compassion are just want the doctor ordered. We're back... we're Solid Cat!
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