Solid Cat Episodes
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Solid Cat: D-MOvember
It's the start of D-MOvember here on Solid Cat! Valerie had an Oktoberfest birthday and had the first hangover in years. In Germany, they don't have port-a-johns, they have port-a-johanns. Our hummus recipe is pretty damn good. The Charlotte Hornets are back! D-mo loves team apps with local radio feeds. Val thinks Pelicans is a worse team name than Redblacks. WHAT? For the record, it's spelled "umtzz umtzz." Why didn't we tell anyone about Valloween? But let's talk about Halloween. Hot glue is a harsh mistress. The wand chooses the wizard; that much has always been true. The homeless are single-handedly saving the planet via recycling. Mexican Coke is legit. Val says we need to bring back a code of honor, an acceptance of transients, and a much more forgiving nature towards traveling craftsmen. Cosplay has explained a lot of odd things away. We have a record-setting pumpkin. Does D-mo have Low T? Oh, and D-mo just called the Clippers the Kato Kaelin of L.A. sports (I guess, thus implying, the Lakers are the O.J. Simpson of L.A. sports). If you're looking for a trucker with a heart of gold, sorry, all we have are D-mo and Val. 10-4 Solid Cat!

Solid Cat: Donuts
We're random, smart, and funny... often at the same time... it's Solid Cat! Solid Cat runs on Dunkin' and other bizarre donut tales. Los Angeles is an eclectic foodie experience and we'll wait for anything. The rust belt is coming back! Sorta. Putin is a macho man, and that leads to a "world class" Solid Cat segue to heroin, gherkins, and garlic. Nobody's a fan of Steinbeck. Vanilla Ice Goes Amish is the most fun I've had watching Vanilla Ice in 20 years. Filled chocolate-chips? Why haven't I heard of these? A True Blood final season recap, loaded with spoilers. What the hell is a Scroguard? From the Dojo, we reveal our best travel tips. Is there a Paws Up for the President? And we close the show with the Space Cowboy ranting against the sun for three whole minutes. She's apparently not a fan. But we know you are. After all, this is Solid Cat!

Solid Cat: A Bride for 7 Brothers
It's a rip-roaring romp on this week's Solid Cat! (not really, but that's the story we're sticking with) We insist that holidays stay in their own months. D-mo is getting his ass back. There are horns o' plenty. Fish with human teeth? Drunk, cow-fighting pigs? Yes, please. We have some adventures on the Queen Mary. Is Val a medium? We spend the bulk of the show on musicals and movies, including Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, The NeverEnding Story, and the original Muppet Movie. Can we all agree that Dorcas is a horrible name, especially for a woman? Did D-mo compare Kermit the Frog to Doctor Who. And a medically-inspired Ten Things with Val that'll make you wonder how we ever made it. They can't all be winners, especially on Solid Cat.

Solid Cat: Scotland Says
When it come to Solid Cat, always vote Aye! Finally, we're doing that Ten Things with Val that we've been dancing around for 3 weeks. Is D-mo the Scotland of his office? We have surprisingly full coverage of the Scottish Independence vote (and is D-mo trying to do a Peter Capaldi impersonation?). We have the Ig Nobel prize winners... with fermented sausages. This week's Sexytime deals with accidentally found dildos. From the Dojo asks where our numbers went? It's never too late on this week's Paws Up. You say "It's a life hack," I say "I MacGyver-ed something." If you like a smart discussion about topical subjects, then dial up this "comedy" podcast. We get it. Sometimes we're too clever for our own good; we're Solid Cat!

Solid Cat: Kansas Kinky
Solid Cat All-Star Matrice is in the studio for this week's Solid Cat. The innocuous phrase "Stings like the Dickens" leads to a super-sized segment on books and literary classics. D-mo has forgotten more literary classics that most people will ever read. What are our most influential books? The books are ALWAYS better than the movie. Is Stephanie Meyer the most influential author of the early 21st century? (the answer is a resounding YES) Why is NC-17 the kiss of death? Same thing with a G rating. Hey... read to your kids. Penny-farthing! "Do people still do cocaine lines?" D-mo & Val have a relaxing effect on people. And there may be some singing of the Spice Girls. Seriously though, if you like books, you've LOVE this episode of Solid Cat.

Solid Cat: Charging Beavers
Frothy things are always good things, and so is SOLID CAT. This week: did D-mo just compare himself to Mel Torme? "Mistress of Pajamas" really is a boss nickname. What is the Giant Floating Disembodied Head... named Steve? It's Dr. Whoutlander Day, and Val is trying to make that happen. Val is having problems with fingering her apps (wait, what?). There was a lack of Whitesnake jokes where there should have been. The Great Sock Mystery is solved! The world's largest dinosaur is found, and otters are a keystone species (SCIENCE!). Sexytime with D-mo & Val returns... Dutch style. We finish with boobs, boobs, and boobs, and then D-mo gets on his sexy soapbox. Didn't know soapboxes could be sexy? They are on Solid Cat!

Solid Cat: Macabre Hour
On this week's Solid Cat, the show gets taken over by our sister show: Macabre Hour with D-mo & Val. But before donated skulls got us to that point, it was quite the hot mess express. Target & Thai food is a good Saturday night. D-mo went to the gym. Seriously. Val has been consistent with her food logging. Seriously! The show comes to a screeching halt due to a cracked glass. What is Sheeptapus? "Nobody got the whole enchilada?" "Dingoes are Australian coyotes. They didn't call them coyotes because Aussies don't speak Spanish." We have a spirited discussion about Spirited Away. The 8 best running songs. Free cats with every mortgage. But the show really excels under the Macabre Hour bits, featuring D-mo "the Master of Light Beige-ness" and Val "the Mistress of Pajamas." This is Solid Cat... or Macabre Hour?!?!?

Solid Cat: Chicken Smuggler
Up for an adventure to everywhere and nowhere? Welcome to Solid Cat. Let's lead with Outlander... but let's talk about Assassin's Creed first... and then jump to Twilight (?)... and then on to Outlander. There is a new Doctor Who and he's Scottish. Valerie is too OCD to live in the Big Brother house. Do you need a FaceTime buddy? We're available. Our news is overly-chicken-themed this week, and efficient German justice is doled out. Barnes & Noble graffiti exists. Will D-mo ever do the ice bucket challenge? Chris Pratt has become the fitness icon. The Space Cowboy Kitchen this week is powered by the Outlander Kitchen. We went school supply shopping (hot damn!). D-mo is taking back his desk. We have crickets. Lots of crickets. And wait until Draco's father hears about this. This... being Solid Cat.

Solid Cat: Nerdertainment
On this week's Solid Cat, we go full nerd. But before we do, we talk Medieval cats with flaming backpacks that were actual weaponized felines. Did Weezer create hipsters? Monkey selfies, and side show prohibition. Also is every full moon a supermoon now? However, as this is the Nerdertainment episode, here are the movies/tv shows we reference in today's show: Guardians of the Galaxy; Star Trek; Twilight; Iron Man; Thor; Captain America; Agents of SHIELD; Agent Carter; Arrow; Flash; LEGO Marvel Heroes; Pirate Fairy; Hemlock Grove; Outlander; Deep Space Nine; Battlestar Galactica; X-Men: Seven Brides for Seven Brothers; Chasing Amy; License to Kill; Daredevil; and Dawn of Justice. That's gotta be like a record. I'm not sure, but this is, for sure, Solid Cat.

Solid Cat: Culture Vultures
It's D-mo's 40th Birthday celebration on Solid Cat! We start with Shakespeare and we finish with German Expressionism, but in the middle... we're podcasting in the daytime (shock), Val sounds like a southern belle when off air, and Val is the personification of the Dead Sea. Romeo is a whiny little bitch. Zoe interrupts us, repeatedly. We people watch at the theatre. We talk Wonder Woman, and the Great Alaskan Bush Company. We have hot volleyball players and accident penis amputations. For his birthday, D-mo had a celebratory birthday at Jack in the Box. There is a muscular guy at the pool, and we discuss Howard-Hughes-isms. Val has a hippie mom and a sailor dad. We hit two museums and reference a third. We recite our General Apology, and share some motivational memes. "Why am I slow clapping?" This is Solid Cat.

Solid Cat: Season 3 Premiere
It's the Season 3 Premiere of Solid Cat. Our hometown of Pico Rivera, California, is the UNDISPUTED World Champion of illegal fireworks. If we can't stop the influx of illegal fireworks, what chance to we have against drugs and guns. Valerie says North Carolina is "Virginia's Mexico." In the World Cup, D-mo asks "How do you say, 'taken behind the woodshed,' in Portuguese?" We have an absolute gem about jizz from ESPN's Tommy Smyth. We talk about the real ass-ball-huggy-thingy; it's like a schlong sling. Mel Brooks has ruined D-mo, as he now channels Peter Boyle. We talk about a Bob Hope movie (???). Meat falls off the back of a truck, and we have marble vaginas and bad German accents. Val regales with tales of the sweet melody of cats in heat. We have villains holding koalas and frozen burritos, inspired by Disney's Frozen. And now, we dance - *umtzz*umtzz*umtzz* This is Solid Cat... SEASON THREE!

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